Providing Quality Canadian Tax Preparation

It's hard to keep up with the ever changing tax laws. That's why it's imperative to keep up to date on all changes dealing with your personal and financial tax information. This will help you remain confident that your tax return is as accurate as can be and you've taken advantage of new and existing tax benefits. If not you may lose them and they may disappear in the next year.

Find Out More


If I make a mistake on your tax return, I will reimburse you for any interest and/or penalties charged on additional taxes due. However, I cannot assume liability for the additional taxes that may be due as they are the responsibility of the taxpayer.
Please note that it is also your responsibility as a tax payer to ensure that I am aware of all necessary and relevant information as well as documentation in order for me to accurately prepare your tax return.
If at any time your return is questioned by the Canada Revenue Agency, I will guide you through the process at no extra charge.

At Your Service

Personal Tax

Corporate / Self Employeed Tax

Booking Keeping / Accounting



  • Over 25 years accounting experience, notably as a member of York Universities Accounting and Risk Management teams
  • Certified General Accountant (C.G.A) with degrees from Concordia and Loyola
  • Files over 200 tax returns per year
  • Personable and professional relationships with over 100 clients
  • Will get you the best return possible

Let's Get In Touch!

Convinced? That's great! Send me an email and I will get back to you as soon as possible!